Tag Archives: APH

Call for Panels and Papers – Annual APH Conference 2024 – 12-14 June 2024, Södertörn University, Sweden

Extended deadline: 4 March 2024!

We are thrilled to announce the 11th International APH PhD Conference: Political Histories of Conflict: Social Cleavages, Political Ideologies, Clashes of Sovereignty

Current events require a major revaluation of traditional approaches to social unrest, political division, and war. This conference seeks to take stock from a historical perspective and stimulate deeper inquiries into the causes and processes of political conflict, thus investigating historical issues that are highly relevant in the world of today.

Recent years have seen established domestic and global ways of resolving conflicts threatened by increasing social cleavages, growing political polarisation, and state-led warmongering and aggression. Historically, reformist industrial relations and the system of liberal democracy have functioned as platforms for the aggregation of opposed interests in modern European society. In international relations, the “Concert of Europe”, imperial governance, the World Wars, the Cold War, and post-Cold War efforts have offered different models of cooperation, conflict, and containment. The conference seeks to enhance our learning from these and other historical systems and structures to gain a better understanding of present developments. Our conception of historical lessons is to be re-evaluated and reformulated in the light of recent events such as the Russian attack on Ukraine.

Given the need for reformulation, the conference calls for novel approaches to political conflict and conflict resolution across societal, political, and international relations. It attempts to incorporate new ways of discussing clashes between interest groups, political dissent, mechanisms of conflict resolution, colonial ambiguities, and situations of democratic breakdown or war.

Södertörn University’s research profile has a special emphasis on Baltic and East Central European Studies. We have long acknowledged the need to reach out to scholars and research centres from these regions, inviting them to join in international discussions on political history. From this perspective it is crucial to enhance the pan-European profile of the APH at large and thereby promote East–West collaboration in developing new insights on the nature of conflict and the future of Europe. In addition to other topics, we therefore specifically call for panels and papers that address the Baltic Sea Region and East Central Europe. Scholars from these regions are also especially encouraged to submit proposals.

At the same time, the conference expects a wealth of historical case studies that are
situated in different historical settings and thus will help us enhance the conceptualisations of conflict in the humanities and social sciences. A variety of cases will enrich conflict studies in the broad meaning of the term, encompassing both domestic and international relations. Similarly, we encourage a variety of methods; for example, oral history and digital approaches alongside traditional document analysis. Finally, the conference explores to what extent political history is to be reframed as a history of conflicts and conflict resolution, with significant lessons for our time.

A broad understanding of the field of political history makes it a fruitful basis for research exchange. It can function as a platform for the history of institutions, parties, public policies, social movements, ideas and ideologies, and it includes political culture and political behaviour. Moreover, international relations and military history as well as transnational relations and global civil society are included in our understanding of political history. The conference will bring these different aspects together by means of the concept of political conflict and conflict resolution: structures of social relations, the political realm, the historical role of ideas, and cross-border efforts that are politically relevant.

The APH is devoted to the interaction of doctoral students and other emerging scholars,
on the one hand, and more experienced researchers, on the other, and encourages especially younger scholars to submit proposals and to contribute with papers.

We are calling for panel and paper proposals addressing various kinds of historical
conflicts. 1) Proposals for 90-minute panels include a 250–400 words overarching abstract as well as the titles of three to four papers with 150 – 250 words paper abstracts. Short bionotes and e-mail addresses for all participants are to be provided, including for the session chair and a potential commentator (commentators are optional for sessions of 3 papers only). 2) Proposals for individual papers include a 150–400 words paper abstract as well as a short
bio-note and e-mail address of the presenter.

Deadline: 15 February 2024 4 March 2024. Please submit your proposal to: aph2024@sh.se. The
conference is planned as a physical event at Södertörn University|Stockholm, 12–14 June 2024.

Organizing committee:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Åkerlund,
Prof. Dr. Norbert Götz,
Asc. Prof. Yulia Gradskova,
Dr. Francesco Zavatti.

International APH PhD Conference 2023 Program Announcement

We are excited to announce the program for our upcoming PhD Conference: The Mobility of Politics, The Politics of Mobility, which will be held 7-9 June 2023, University of Padua.

Wednesday 7th June 2023

14:00 Registration

14:30 Introduction: Carlotta Sorba (University of Padua) and Henk te Velte (Leyden University).

14:45 Keynote lecture: Aristotle Kallis (Keele University), How fascism became mainstream: mobilities of ideas and revolutions of banality.

15:45 Coffee break

16:00 Panel 1. Migrations

Discussant: Pertti Ahonen (University of Jyväskylä)
Chair: Irène Herrmann (Université de Genève)

  • Christine Mertens, Black Exclusion Laws and the Production of Migrant “Illegality” in the U.S. Antebellum South, 1790s-1840s.
  • Roxane Bonnardel Mira, From transit to settlement. Uses of mobility control policies in Paris in the early 20th century.
  • Eka Saputra Rangga, The politics of minority diaspora and the making civil society: A case of Hadrami communities in post-independence Singapore, c. 1945-2000.

18:00 Guided tour to Palazzo Bo, the historical building of the University of Padua

20:00 Dinner

Thursday 8th June

09:00 Panel 2. Political Activism

Discussant: Henk te Velte (Leyden University)
Chair: Giulia Albanese (University of Padua)

  • Michele Magri, Transatlantic Risorgimento Activism: Exploring the Political Practices and Agency of Italian Exiles in the United States, ca.1820-1860.
  • Michèle Corthals, Communist women’s struggle before and during the Second World War: a Matter of International Mobility of Ideas, Practices and People.
  • Yusra Abdullhai, The Rwenzururu Movement and its Uphill Battle for Self-Determination.

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Panel 3. Texts and ideas

Discussant: Irène Herrmann (Université de Genève)
Chair: Norbert Goetz (Södertörn University)

  • Atlanta Neudorf, The ‘Right of Assassination’: Félix Pyat, the Orsini Affair, and International Revolutionary Politics in Britain (1858).
  • Francesco Mocellin, The mobility of ideas, books, and people in the entre-deux-guerres Europe: the case of Piero Treves.
  • Ian Lewis, The Transnational Circulation of Political Ideas across Continents: The Case of Japan’s Appropriation of the Architecture of Political Representation.

13:00 Buffet

14:30 Panel 4. Institutions

Discussant: Norbert Goetz (Södertörn University)
Chair: Matteo Millan (University of Padua)

  • Edward Ford, The Global Context of Australia’s Proportional Representation Debate, c. 1890-1910.
  • Mikko Ville Puttonen, The Spring 1945 – the ‘postwar moment’ and awakening political activity in Trentino-Alto Adige/South Tyrol.
  • Maha Ali, Asian Actors in Action: The Mobility of Human Rights Politics at the United Nations.

16:00 Coffee break

16:15 Keynote lecture: Elena Bacchin (University of Venice), Political Prisoners as Transnational Actors of the Italian Risorgimento.

17:15 Board Meeting

18:30 Concert in the DiSSGeA courtyard

20:00 Dinner

Friday 9th June

09:00 Panel 5. Media

Discussant: Federico Mazzini (University of Padua)
Chair: Iréne Herrmann (Université de Genève)

  • Stefano Lissi, The ‘Italian dilemma’: how the dynamics of mobility of the
    Italienische Reise influenced German perceptions of Italian politics
  • Jamie Jenkins, ‘Forward with the People’: The Tabloid Press as a Facilitator of Political Mobility in Postwar Britain.
  • Malo De la Brouchardière, Popular Music and Humanitarian Aid.

10:30 Coffee break

11:00 Final round table. Political History and Mobility
Participants: Pertti Ahonen, Matteo Millan, Niccolò Pianciola, Carlotta Sorba.
Chair: Henk te Velde

12:30 Buffet

With thanks to the organising committee: Giulia Albanese, Federico Mazzini, Matteo Millan, Enrico Francia, Carlotta Sorba
Contacts for further information: Stefano Poggi, Alessandra Vigo aphconference2023@gmail.com

New: Upcoming Events and Call for Papers | February 2023

Call for Papers:

‘The Cloven Dukes’: The Mediterranean Diplomacy of the Small Italian Powers (1530-1730)
University of Haifa, The Haifa Center for Mediterranean History
November 7 – 8, 2023

Deadline: May 1, 2023

Property and Power in the History of Political Thought
14th Annual London Graduate Conference in the History of Political Thought
June 22 – 23, 2023

Deadline: March 11, 2023

Gordon Forster Essay Prize – Northern History 

Deadline: March 1, 2023

The Chinese Legal Tradition: From Late Empire to the Current Day
Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, Frankfurt
June 12 – 16, 2023

Deadline: February 15, 2023

Charles Schmitt Prize 
Intellectual History Review

Deadline: February 28, 2023

Call for Abstracts:

Massachusetts Historical Society 2023-24 Fellowship Cycle
Massachusetts Historical Society

Deadline: Multiple (dependent on Fellowship)

2023 Deakin Fellowship
European Studies Centre, St Antony’s College, University of Oxford

Deadline: February 15, 2023

Postdoctoral Position in European Integration and International Organization History, c. 1940s-1970s
Saxo Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

Deadline: February 15, 2023

Out now:

Journal of Contemporary History, Volume 58, Issue 1

Social History, Volume 48, Issue 1

Journal of Modern History, Volume 94, Issue 4

The Historical Journal, Volume 66, Issue 1

 Let us know about your forthcoming conferences or anything else of interest for the political history community at phdpolhis@gmail.com. Would you like to receive monthly updates?  Please subscribe to our newsletter here!

Call for Papers | International APH Conference 2023 | The Mobility of Politics, The Politics of Mobility

We are thrilled to announce the eight International APH PhD Conference: The Mobility of Politics, The Politics of Mobility. 7-9 June, 2023. Padua, Italy.

In recent years, a lively interdisciplinary dialogue has developed between the so-called mobility studies and the humanities, broadly involving historiography as well. Over the past five years, the Padua department hosting this conference has developed a project exploring the “mobility paradigm” from a variety of humanistic perspectives. The project culminated in the creation of a Centre for Advanced Studies in Mobility and the Humanities (Mohu) and a digital humanities laboratory (MobiLab).

Many lines of enquiry in political history open up if we focus on how mobility and circulation have affected political experiences over the last two hundred years in different areas: from the circulation of political ideas and texts to migration policies; from the transnational exchange of political practices and activism, to the proliferation of political institutions and ideologies.

We are seeking abstracts from graduate students that tackle these topics as imaginatively and broadly as possible. Takes on the topic include, but are by no means restricted to:

Mobility of politics

How did the circulation of ideas and practices contribute to the formation of political movements, cultures, ideologies and institutions?

How did the dissemination, translation and manipulation of texts contribute to the construction and transformation of the political sphere?

Politics of mobility

In which ways did politics directed, managed, impeded or transformed the mobility of women, men, ideas and goods?


The Association for Political History has been created in September 2014 for promoting Political History, broadly defined as the history of institutions, parties, public policies as well as the history of ideas, political cultures, identities, behaviours, passions or emotions. APH welcomes historians working from different perspectives, including the most recent and innovative ones. One of the main goals of APH is to strengthen international cooperation in the field of education and research, thus promoting the quality of research. Furthermore APH provide high-quality training opportunities for PhD candidates and advanced masters students in Political History.

The next international PhD conference of APH will take place at the University of Padua, Italy, from Wednesday, 7th June to Friday, 9th June, 2023. APH invites PhD students from participating, but also from other institutions to apply and present their dissertations to their peers and to senior scholars from member universities, as well as to external commentators and keynote speakers.

In addition to the panel meetings, where PhD students will be able to introduce their papers, discussing them with a senior researcher and another PhD student, several events will also take place: two keynote presentations and a final round table. The full programme of events will be available soon.

The conference welcomes proposals for papers approaching the relationship between mobility and political history from a variety of perspectives. Welcome approaches include, to name just a few: institutional, conceptual, social, cultural, gender, anthropological, transnational and comparative.  The main historical periods dealt with are expected to be the 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, with no geographical limitations.


The deadline for applications, to include a 250–400 words abstract, University affiliation and a statement explaining how the paper relates to the PhD project, is 10th of March 2023. Applications must be sent by e-mail to aphconference2023@gmail.com. Acceptance will be confirmed by the 20th of March.

Following acceptance, a paper not exceeding 5,000 words must be submitted to the conference organisers by the 25th of May 2023 at the latest. The papers will be made available to the other participants by publishing them on a private website over the following week. Participants are kindly requested to add a brief introduction to their papers for those who may be unfamiliar with the period, country, organisation or topic of study. Oral presentations of papers during the conference must not exceed 15 minutes, with the remainder of the time devoted to comments and general discussion.


Participating institutions need to cover their doctoral students’ travel and accommodation costs, but we expect to provide all meals and a social programme. APH could also provide some scholarships to cover travel costs. There will be no registration fees.

Organising committee

Giulia Albanese, Enrico Francia, Federico Mazzini, Matteo Millan, Carlotta Sorba

New: Upcoming Events and Call for Papers (December 2022 edit)

Forthcoming Events

APT 2023 Political Thought Conference

St Catherine’s College, Oxford
5–7 January 2023

Call for Papers

Rethinking the Past and Present of Liberal Internationalism

London,  11–12 May 2023
Deadline: December 15, 2022

At the Crossroads of Modernity: Newspapers as miscellany from the 1880s
Centre for the Study of Journalism and History, University of Sheffield

Sheffield,  19 May 2023
Deadline: January 20, 2023

Gordon Forster Essay Prize – Northern History 

Deadline: March 1, 2023

Collecting Communities: Working together and with collections
Institute of Historical Research, University of London

London, 29 March 2023
Deadline: December 16, 2022

Parliament contested? Rethinking the relationship between national politics, global crises, and pressure from below in the 1970s 
Centre for Parliamentary History, RU Nijmegen

Nijmegen, 9 June 2023
Deadline: January 6, 2023


Massachusetts Historical Society Fellowship

Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston
Deadline: January 15, 2023

Gallia-Stipendium im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts “Gallia Pontificia”

Deutsches historisches Institut (DHIP/IHA), Paris
Deadline: December 31, 2022

Out now

RHS 2022 Public History Lecture
‘The Partition of British India: 75 years on’ by Kavita Puri

For more updates, make sure you are subscribed to our monthly newsletter. You can do so here. You can also follow us on Twitter.

Our newsletter is currently edited by Jamie Lee Jenkins, Kye Allen and Franceso Caprioli and our website and social media is edited by Jamie Lee Jenkins.

New: Upcoming Events and CFP

Forthcoming Events
New Ways of Writing History with Patrick Boucheron and Olivette Otele

Institut Français, London. September 20, 2022

The International Trade in Pre-Modern Manuscripts 1890-1945 and the Making of the Middle Ages

Institute of Historical Research, London. September 20–23, 2022

The Mediterranean of Modernity: Global and Regional Perspectives

Funded by: DFG, Forum Transregionale Studien, HISDEMAB, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Leibniz-ZMO, MECAM, and Universität Konstanz.
Berlin. October 4–7, 2022

Online panel discussion: ‘New Histories of Neo Liberalism’
With Professor James Vernon (UC, Berkeley), Professor Muriam Haleh Davis (UC, Santa Cruz), Professor Gary Gerstle (Cambridge), Professor Quinn Slobodian (Wellesley College, MA) and Dr Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (UCL).

Online. October 13, 2022

Call for Papers
Continuity and Change in Medieval Central Europe (5th Biennial Conference of MECERN)
Medieval Central Europe Research Network (MECERN)

Bratislava, 27.04.2023 – 29.04.2023
Deadline: September 30, 2022

Women Scientists, Development and Environmental Citizenship: Scientific Transnational Organizations and Public Activism
University of Trieste- Department of Humanities

Trieste (Italy),  20–21 April 2023
Deadline: October 15, 2022

Historicizing the Refugee Experience, 17th-21st Centuries

Duisburg, 4–7 July 2023 
Deadline: October 31, 2022

Call for Chapter
Proposals for ‘A Cultural History of Pregnancy and Childbirth: The Age of Enlightenment and the Atlantic System (1765 – 1860)’

Deadline: October 1, 2022

Postdoctoral Research Fellowship “History” 

Centre for History and Economics, Magdalene College, University of Cambridge
Deadline: October 28, 2022

Gallia-Stipendium im Rahmen des Forschungsprojekts “Gallia Pontificia”

Deutsches historisches Institut (DHIP/IHA), Paris
Deadline: December 31, 2022

To received monthly updates on upcoming events, CFP, Fellowships and more, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter here! To promote your own event please email us at phdpolhis@gmail.com

Our newsletter is currently edited by Jamie Lee Jenkins, Kye Allen, and Francesco Caprioli.

APH International Conference 2022: Political History Today: Exploring New Themes. Reflections

The international OPG-APH conference Political history today: Exploring New Themes was a great success. Over 100 participants were active in eight panels, two round tables, PhD candidates presented posters and several key notes speakers discussed urgent themes. The program is still available here.

A follow up has been announced as well. Please note the dates:

Prof. Carlotta Sorba will organize a conference in 2023 in Padua.

Prof. Norbert Götz will organize a conference in Stockholm in 2025 and in we will meet again in Padua, rof. Carlotta Sorba  in 2024 we will meet in Stockholm (Norbert Götz) and in 2025 we will meet in Münster (Germany). Prof. Jacco Pekelder will organize a conference with a focus on political history and international relations.