Lauren Lauret

Lauren Lauret is assistant professor in Dutch History at Leiden University. Between 2022 and 2024 she was a Dutch Research Council Rubicon post-doctoral fellow at University College London. She is the secretary of the APH.

Her research focuses on how the political elite (re)claimed power after experiencing disruption, with a particular focus on the impact of colonialism on Dutch and British political practice.

Recent publications include ‘No Emancipation without Compensation: Slave Owners’ Petitions and the End of Slavery in the Netherlands, c. 1833-1873‘ BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review (2024) 1-24; Serving the chain? De Nederlandsche Bank and the last decades of slavery, 1814-1863 (Leiden University Press 2023) with K. Fatah-Black and J. van den Tol; ‘Four Founding Fathers on the Road: New Government Design in the United States and the Netherlands, 1776-1815’ Revue Française d’Études Américaines 173:4 (2022) 78-96, with D. Alkemade.